Maja Care
What is Maja Care?​
At its heart, Maja Healing is about Spiritual Healing In Bali increasing the quality of life for individuals and reducing human suffering. We are committed to providing support for everyone, especially those who are most in need. We know it’s difficult to access good mental health support here in Indonesia, and we want to do our best to change this. For us, mental health and wellbeing is equally as important as its physical counterpart, and that it should be accessible to everyone.
Maja Care was born out of this vision. This is why our Maja Care activities focus on supporting the needs of the local communities here in Indonesia, as they are made up of some of the most vulnerable and marginalized individuals. As the impact of the pandemic starts hitting the country’s poorest and most fragile communities, that vulnerability is going to be more and more stark. We want to do our part in helping those vulnerable individuals in our corner of the world.
Maja Care is run by our therapists, on a completely voluntary basis. We all share a sense of gratitude for being able to call this beautiful island of Bali our home, and we are passionate about giving back to the communities who have been so welcoming to us.
What are we doing?​
Maja Care involves a number of initiatives
Gifts: Free therapy sessions to those in need
Each month, we offer a number of free sessions to those who need them. The sessions offered include hypnotherapy, counselling, and coaching. If you or someone you know can benefit from this, please get in touch through the form here
2. Funds: Financial donations
Maja Care collects funds from a couple of sources. First, a number of our therapists donate a percentage of their fees to Maja Care. Second, our clients, friends and network are also able to donate funds to support this work. The funds collected in Maja Care is used to support local communities through donations to charities and scholarships.
To Donate, Please click here.